Members at Black Isle and Easter Ross Area Committee approve 7.95% rise in garage rents

Members today (22 January 2024) agreed to a 7.95% increase in rents for garages and garage sites for 2024/25 in the Black Isle and Easter Ross areas. 

Tenant consultation on the general rent increase for Council house rents for 2024/25 was based on options for 6.5%, 7.3% and 7.95% rent increase. 

A 7.95% rent increase was approved by Members at today’s Black Isle and Easter Ross Area Committee (22 January 2024) for garage and garage site rents. 

Any additional rent income from garages and garage sites generated by a rent increase will be applied as an increase in the area repairs budget in 2024/25. 

Garage Rent for Council Tenants in Ward 6 and 7 will increase weekly by 80p from £10.11 to £10.91 and for Ward 9 rent will increase weekly by 83p from £10.42 to £11.25. Garage Rent non-tenants in Ward 6 and 7 will go up by 96p from £12.13 to £13.09 and for Ward 9 rent will increase weekly by 99p and will go up from £12.50 to £13.49. As a result, annual income will increase from £189,145 to £204,183.02. 

The rate increase will commence from April 2024 and garage tenants will be notified by letter. 

22 Jan 2024