Plan drafted for the future of Sutherland

The Highland Council is now consulting the public on the Deposit Draft version of the new Local Plan for Sutherland.  The Plan’s intention is to accommodate significant growth in population overall and to enable communities to grow sustainably to meet their needs. The Council wishes to use it to guide development and investment in the area over the next few years - and through that to help deliver the Community Strategy for the area.

Councillor Drew Hendry, Chairman of the Council’s Planning, Environment and Development Committee, said: “A growing population requires homes, jobs, services and facilities and the Plan aims for these needs to be met effectively. Development that enhances our communities through more affordable housing and better design quality should be key outcomes if the Plan is successful. Meanwhile, Sutherland’s important assets- natural, built and cultural- will be safeguarded. Retaining the richness of the area will be important to its future prosperity. By preparing and implementing the Sutherland Local Plan, the Council can make significant progress with its administration’s programme. However, achieving everything set out in the Plan will require many other organisations and individuals to play their part too.”
 The Draft Local Plan identifies specific pieces of land in and around settlements for development over the next few years- and indicates the type of development which the Council thinks would be suitable on them. For example, there are sites for housing, business and other uses. However, the Local Plan cannot identify every development that will happen. The Plan therefore sets out policies on a wide range of topics which will guide decisions on planning applications throughout Sutherland.

Councillor Hendry added: ”We have drawn up the policies and proposals following consideration of the many comments received from the public and other interested parties and organisations on an earlier issues and options paper, Sutherland Futures. It is important to acknowledge and thank all of those who have taken part. Moving to the next stage, we are committed to continuing and effective opportunities for participation and now invite the submission of representations on this Deposit Draft Local Plan.”

The Deposit Draft Local Plan documents - including an accompanying Draft Environmental Report - are available for the public to view at The Highland Council Service Points, Public Libraries and Post Offices in Sutherland. The documents are also being placed at the Area Planning and Building Standards Office, The Meadows, Dornoch; at the Planning and Development Service Headquarters,Glenurquhart Road, Inverness; on The Highland Council website and on the mobile libraries operating in Sutherland.

Representations must be made at this stage as there will not be a further opportunity to comment on proposals which remain unchanged in later stages of the plan process.  To make a representation you can send a letter, email or complete and return the form which is available at the places where the Plan may be viewed (including on the website). 

David Cowie, Principal Planner, explained: “We have decided to provide an extended period for consultation at this stage- 12 weeks instead of the more usual 6. We are sending out letters to notify and consult many organisations and individual people who have an interest in the Plan. Over the course of the next few weeks we will likewise be writing to people who live close to the sites which we are proposing for development, to bring to their attention the proposals and the opportunity to comment.”

Representations on the Local Plan Deposit Draft and comments on the Draft Environmental Report should be sent to the Director of Planning & Development, The Highland Council, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX or e-mailed to  They must arrive no later than 5.00pm on Friday 1 February 2008.

Objections or supporting representations should state the name and address of the objector or supporter, the matters to which they relate and the grounds on which they are made. Objectors and supporters should specify the page, paragraph number or site allocation reference to which the objection or supporting representation relates.

Members of the public seeking further information about the Sutherland Local Plan may contact:
• David Cowie (Sutherland Local Plan Team Leader) Tel: 01463 702827
• Brian MacKenzie (South & East Sutherland) Tel: 01463 702276
• Julie-Ann Bain (Central Sutherland) Tel: 01463 702266
• Katie Briggs (North & West Sutherland) Tel: 01463 702271
• Email:

12 Nov 2007