Highland Gallery and Museum – the search for a Site

The search for a site for a new Highland Gallery and Museum begins on Wednesday (14 November) with the launch of a period of public engagement over the three city centre options, which have been identified for detailed analysis. The launch commences at 7 pm at the Town Hall, Town House, Inverness, and the public is invited to attend to hear more about the three sites which are the: -

From Thursday, the public can view displays of the options at Inverness Museum and Art Gallery or the Eastgate Centre, and they can visit www.citypartnership.org.uk to view the information and fill in the simple online survey.

Completed survey forms will be collected at Inverness Museum and Art Gallery, Eastgate Centre and the Town House reception.  The deadline for responses is 11 January 2008.

Plans for a combined gallery and museum have been developed by the Highland Gallery and Museum Steering Group, whose vision is “to create a building that will showcase the best of Scotland’s art, artefacts and specimens in the Highlands, and by doing so, be an exemplar in providing truly national access to Scotland’s collections”.

The Highland Gallery and Museum Steering Group is chaired by Professor Duncan Macmillan, former Dean of Art at Edinburgh University and curator of the Talbot Rice Gallery.  Members include:

13 Nov 2007