Council opens the doors for people researching family trees

The Highland Council is holding an Ancestry Research Open Day at Registration Offices in Inverness, Fort William and Portree on St. Andrew’s Day, Friday 30th November.

People interested in their genealogy can find out how to trace their roots with Registration staff providing free ancestry research demonstrations throughout the day from 9.30am to 4.00pm. The last demonstration of the day will take place at 3:30 pm at all three offices. Highland Archives staff will also be available at Inverness Registration Office.

During the demonstrations – which are bookable on a first-come-first-served basis – participants will be shown how to use the Statutory records of births, deaths and marriages for Scotland, Old Parish Records and Census returns.

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: “I am delighted that the popularity of Ancestry Research Open Days held in Caithness and Dingwall has encouraged the expansion of these to our other Registration Offices. Clearly this service to the public meets the Council Administration’s intent to help maintain and develop an active interest in the heritage and history of the Highlands.”

Diane Minty, Acting Chief Registrar said: “Following earlier successful open days in Dingwall, Thurso and Wick Registration Offices we are delighted to be able to welcome people in to our offices at Inverness, Fort William and Portree. We have a wealth of information available to people tracing their family trees and are looking forward to helping people unearth their heritage. It is quite an exciting opportunity which we will repeat if the demand is there.”

Susan Beckley, Highland Council’s Archivist said: “Over the years the popularity of family history research has remained high and we are now seeing the rise of genealogy tourism in the Highlands. The Council is well placed to support people through our archives, genealogy and registration services in their search for their ancestors.”

Due to an anticipated high level of interest, anyone interested in attending the free ancestry research demonstrations can book a place by contacting: Inverness tel: 01463 239792, Fort William tel: 01397 704583, or Portree tel: 01478 613277.

For further information please contact:

Diane Minty, Acting Chief Registrar, Moray House, 16-18 Bank Street, Inverness tel: (01463) 239792

Susan Beckley, Highland Archivist, Farraline Park, Inverness tel: (01463) 220330

15 Nov 2007