Council improves popular picnic area

Work is due to commence next week (Monday 19th November) on a popular picnic area at North Kessock as part of The Highland Council’s Planning and Development Service capital programme of environmental improvements.

The picnic area is located at the Tourist Information Centre car park, just off the A9 northbound dual carriageway.  Whilst a popular site with tourists, the condition of the site furniture and access track has deteriorated in recent years.

Councillor Drew Hendry, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Planning Environment and Development Committee said: “This is a key stopping-off place for people travelling in, and visiting the Highlands north of Inverness. The Council’s programme for administration clearly recognises the development of tourism in the Highlands as one of our major industries and this improvement project on the picnic site facilities compliments the provision of the TIC in that area.”

Upgrading works will include replacing the existing picnic bench furniture, fencing and resurfacing of the access track and parking bays.

Works have recently been undertaken to remove some of the dense planting and open up the site. Crown lifting and thinning of trees has helped create a less enclosed feel and should encourage visitors to use the picnic bays further into the site as well as just the ones nearest to the entrance. The total cost of the environmental improvements including tree works and picnic area enhancements is £30,000.

The works are scheduled to commence next week for a period of three weeks and the public are advised that access will be restricted from time to time during this period. 

For further information please contact: Sonia Wayman, Projects Officer, Planning & Development Service, The Highland Council, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX Tel: 01463 702544


16 Nov 2007