Black Isle and Easter Ross Area Committee Chair hails Ward Discretionary Fund benefits

The Chair of the Black Isle and Easter Ross Area Committee, Cllr Lyndsey Johnston, expressed delight at the number of worthwhile local projects that have benefitted from Ward Discretionary Funding in 2023/24.

Speaking after Members at today’s (13 May 2024) Black Isle and Easter Ross Area Committee noted the large number of projects the fund has been able to support, she said: “I am delighted to see the Ward Discretionary funding making such a fantastic difference.

“One of the most rewarding aspects of the Ward Discretionary Fund is that it allows members to utilise their local knowledge and work with local organisations to make positive improvements to our communities.”

She added: “I look forward to seeing the many projects being completed and come to fruition.”

Total funding of £47,307 was approved across the Wards by members during 2023/24.

Among the projects assisted by Ward Discretionary Funding in the Cromarty Firth Ward are the Cromarty Firth Environmental Group who got £2,850 towards town gardening projects, Invergordon Community Council received £2,000 towards Christmas lights storage and Community Food Initiatives Northeast received £1,346.90 for Fareshare in Highland.

In Tain and Easter Ross, the fund helped Tain Task Force with its Tain Environmental Improvements/Rose Garden Fence (£3,864.00), Barbaraville Improvement Project with its village defibrillator (£320), and £1,375 to help Tain & District Youth Café with a contribution towards its running costs.

In the Black Isle, Knockbain Community Council received £2,300 towards the North Kessock Underpass Community Artwork & Youth Competition, £1000 towards Fortrose Academy Parent Council’s Duke of Edinburgh Awards Expedition, and £1,000 towards Cromarty Youth Café’s holiday provision.

Members noted the Ward Discretionary Budget approvals (made between 1st April 2023 and 31st March 2024) at today’s meeting and the full list can be found on Highland Council’s website under Item 8.


13 May 2024