BT Scotland Gaelic debate heads for Parliament again.

Issued by CNAG

Gaelic version.

Four successful teams from the first two rounds of the BT Scotland National Gaelic Schools Debate will be demonstrating their debating and linguistic skills before an audience in the Conference Centre of Edinburgh City Chambers on Wednesday 28 November.

The teams are from The Nicolson Institute Stornoway, Sgoil Lionacleit Benbecula, Portree High School and Millburn Academy Inverness.  Two teams will secure a place in the Final Debate which takes place in the Holyrood Parliament on Thursday 29th November.  The final will be broadcast live on Radio nan Gaidheal at 7.00 pm.

BT Scotland are again the main sponsors of the Debate providing sponsorship of £15,000.  BT Scotland's National Manager Brendan Dick said “Our sponsorship of the schools Gaelic debate sits well with BT’s Better World Campaign which helps people use communications to make a better world. Young people have the potential to make an extremely positive contribution to this world and we believe that everyone can benefit from listening to and acting upon what they have to say.

“The students taking part in the BT Scotland Gaelic Schools Debate are certainly putting their communications skills to good use and are setting high standards. We’re set for a close and exciting final in the Scottish Parliament.”

Donald Martin Chair of the Organising Committee said "The Debate this year has been of a very high standard and the judges have had a very difficult task throughout the first two rounds.  If previous final rounds are anything to go by, we should be guaranteed an enjoyable and entertaining two events in Edinburgh.  The Parliament Building provides an inspirational backdrop for the Final which always brings out the best in both teams"


20 Nov 2007