Young Carers statement

A simple and digitally accessible plan is available to any child or young person in Highland who cares for another person.

Cllr John Finlayson, Education Chair said: “Young Carers do an incredible job to help look after those closest to them, and it can be a challenge to find time or the words for conversations around their own wellbeing and future. This statement is there to give that bit of support to begin those conversations around personal goals, wants and needs. It can also help to identify where additional support may be needed to help the young carer to succeed and have good wellbeing. Schools are there to give essential support to young carers but, for those children or young people who wish to have a statement, this is a valuable tool which is readily available and easy to use.”

The Highland Young Carers statement is designed to be accessible to all age groups and learners. It has made use of assistive technology including speech to text and translation tools to help remove extra barriers that some young people face.

Young carers and carer organisations operating in Highland were included in a consultation process to gain feedback and help inform content. The Young Carer Improvement Group reconvened and will continue to meet on a termly basis to ensure that there is a consistent approach to support for Highland Young Carers. The group is made up of representatives from: Connecting Young Carers, TYKES, Caithness Klics, Skye and Lochalsh Young Carers, and The Highland Council.

The Young Carers statement and strategy, approved by the Education Committee, is a part of The Highland Council’s Integrated Children’s Service Plan for 2023 – 2026.

31 May 2024