Structural survey identifies safety risk to pedestrians in city centre

A structural survey of building facades in part of Inverness city centre, associated with the Inverness Streetscape programme currently under way, has identified immediate health and safety risks, which requires The Highland Council to restrict all but emergency vehicular access to Union Street and Drummond Street.  There is no pedestrian or vehicular access between Union Street and Drummond Street.

The area will remain cordoned off until emergency repairs to two chimney stacks, which are deemed to be a risk to public safety, are completed.  A number of defects of varying risks have been identified so far and owners of the properties will be contacted as soon as possible to advise them of the need for essential repairs

A Council spokesman said: “Public safety is paramount and we have no option but to take immediate action to make this area safe.  However, every effort will be made to work with all parties to bring a quick and satisfactory resolution to the situation.”

The structural survey was carried out on behalf of the Council in connection with the second phase of the Streetscape Programme. Union Street and the mid-section of Church Street closed on Monday 12 November for up to 33 weeks to allow the scheme and water mains renewal works to progress as quickly and safely as possible.

Contact (tonight) Marie Mackintosh 07751 051371
Tomorrow Dave Polson, Area Planning & Building Standards Manager 01463 720601

21 Nov 2007