Funding agreed for Nairn Community and Arts Centre

Ward 18 elected members came together for a special meeting of the Nairnshire Area Committee today to consider a grant application received from the Nairn Community and Arts Centre.

Members – having considered the application and views which had been gathered from community representatives – agreed to approve the grant request of up to £50,000.  This funding will support the continued operation of the Nairn Community and Arts Centre (NCAC) and will be met from the Nairn Common Good Fund (NCGF).

The application was submitted for consideration to Nairnshire members as there was significant risk to the continuing delivery of services to the local community facilitated by NCAC.  This had come about through the NCAC’s loss of third-party funding and an increase in the running costs for the Centre.

Chair of the Nairnshire Area Committee, Councillor Michael Green, commented: “The Nairn Community and Arts Centre is, for many residents, a hub within the town and provides wide community benefit to many in Nairnshire.

He continued: “Today, in considering this matter, members were mindful of the fact that the Centre had exhausted all other alternative funding streams.  The potential immediate loss of the Centre was a primary driver in urgently considering the use of funds from the Nairn Common Good Fund and I am hopeful that this allows time for more long-term and sustainable sources of funding to be identified”.

24 Jun 2024