Crown Primary School staff member creates a mood boosting art installation

Crown Ps - Art mural

The creative flair of Gail MacLeod, a Pupil Support Assistant at Crown Primary School was put to good use over the summer holidays when Gail and her daughter Anna dedicated weeks of their summer break to create an uplifting mood boosting wildflower and nature art mural to an otherwise ‘dull’ pedestrian walkway at the school.

Miriam MacDonald, Head Teacher at Crown Primary School said: “Gail and Anna have done a fantastic job creating an interesting and inspiring space for us all to enjoy.  It constantly feels like summer is always in full bloom and the explosion of colour and movement has given the outdoor area, and everyone’s spirits, such a lift.

“Our thanks also go to the Parent Council who supported with the cost of the materials and of course to Gail and Anna for their commitment to our learning community by gifting their time and talent.”

18 Sep 2024