Chief Social Work Officer 2023/24 annual report

Members of The Highland Council have noted an Annual Report by the Chief Social Work Officer, for 2023/24.

The report provides information on the range of activities carried out during the past year and highlights the achievements, and opportunities and challenges moving forward. Councillors discussed the content of the report and the implications for social work and social care services within Highland Council and NHS Highland.

Cllr David Fraser, Chair of the Council’s Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Committee said: “While recruitment continues to be a challenge for health and social care services, I am pleased that trainee and ‘grow your own’ schemes are now well established within Highland.

“The geography of the Highlands continues to prove challenging particularly in adult social care and coupled with difficulties of recruitment the Council continues to work closely with NHS Highland to address this. The Council and partners are also responding productively to ‘The Promise’ regarding the delivery of children’s services.

“I would like to thank all social work and social care staff for their continued focus on providing services in these constantly challenging times.”

Fiona Duncan, Chief Social Work Officer said: “National policy, legislation, budget restrictions and increasing demand and complexity for social services coupled with a national staffing crisis have proven particularly challenging during 2023/24. In addition to this the ongoing consultation around the National Care Service also brings uncertainty for social work staff.

“Highland has, however, remained focussed on delivering services and has invested in children’s services by increasing foster care allowances and in the Family First strategy to ensure The Promise is being met.

“In addition to challenges there have also been significant achievements including, for example:

  • The total number of children in residential care has dropped by 35% since 2019.
  • With Bairns Hoose funding, properties in Wick and Inverness now provide a safe and warm environment for the interviewing of children and young people during child protection processes.
  • A joint Sub-Group of the Adult and Child Protection Committees has been established to take forward work in relation to young adults (16+) at risk of harm.
  • Three Family Group Decision Making Coordinators appointed have supported 33 children and their families to develop family plans or contribute to the child’s plan and are currently supporting 18 children and families.
  • Inspections by the Care Inspectorate of children’s houses recorded positive shifts for Mainstay House from ‘Adequate to Good’ and Oakwood House from ‘Good to Very Good.”

She added: “While there have been a number of challenges during the past year, social work and social care staff across all services within The Highland Council and NHS Highland have worked tirelessly to maintain service delivery, with the focus on keeping clients and communities safe and supported.”

The Chief Social Work Officer Annual Report for 2023/24 can be viewed at Appendix A in agenda item 7 of the meeting of The Highland Council

20 Sep 2024