City Partnership Office on the move

Relocation, relocation is underway as Inverness City Partnership took up residence in the Town House, Inverness from today (Monday 1 October).  City Partnership Officer Marie Mackintosh, and greeninverness officer Debbie Maguire are now based in The Highland Council offices and will forge close links with The Highland Council’s City Manager and Ward Managers.  The Inverness City Heritage Trust Office has also moved to Town House.

Later this month, Inverness City Centre Management will relocate to separate premises.

Three years ago, the City Partnership Office was established on Bank Street to bring together a small team of The Highland Council and partner organisation staff to work together in improving the infrastructure, fabric and management of the city.  It became home to Inverness City Partnership, Inverness City Centre Management and the Inverness City Heritage Trust.

Marie Mackintosh, city partnership officer, said “We have been leasing the Bank Street office from owners Highland Print Studio.  The lease has now expired and HPS are making plans to reoccupy the building.  We are extremely grateful to have had the use of such an attractive and high profile property; it has allowed the Partnership to become established and was very accessible for the public to visit our various displays and exhibitions.”

The office has provided a focal point for delivering the Inverness City Vision with initiatives such as greeninverness, the City Centre Streetscape Programme and the city’s public art plan.  The City Heritage Trust introduced a building repair grants scheme and has assisted in numerous projects.  Meanwhile, Inverness City Centre Management, an established city centre management company and one of the most successful in the UK in achieving private sector membership, has continued to grow in strength.  ICCM now incorporates the safeinverness crime reduction partnership and Business Improvement District (BID) Team working towards establishing a BID company for the city centre next year.

Marie Mackintosh added: “Although the City Partnership Office occupants worked for three different organisations our activities were complementary and we formed a strong team as we cooperated on many joint projects.  I’m confident this bond will endure and that we will continue to work in close liaison to achieve our shared objectives.”

New contact details can be found at

1 Oct 2007