HMIe for Ardross Primary School

In an HMIe report on Ardross Primary School published today (Tuesday 2nd October), several key strengths were singled out for particular praise.

Inspectors highlighted:

• The very positive climate for learning in the school, including the behaviour of pupils and their relationships with staff.

• Pupil’s enthusiasm for learning

• Attainment in mathematics

The Inspectors were impressed with the commitment of all staff, the hard working and enthusiastic pupils and the very high standards of pupil behaviour.

The report further praised the high quality of the pastoral care of pupils with very good procedures to ensure health and welfare identified.  Partnerships with parents and with the community were also identified as a strength.  The former headteacher, Mrs Foster who has now retired, was congratulated on successfully establishing a very positive ethos in the school.

Recommendations for action included the need for improved approaches to self-evaluation, improvements in the curriculum to provide better progression and continuity in pupils’ learning and improvements in aspects of attainment in English Language.

Acting Headteacher Julie Brewer said: “I am extremely pleased that the report gives recognition to the staff’s commitment and hard work to support all pupils and the effort and enthusiasm shown by pupils towards their learning.

“We are very proud of our school and work has already commenced to start to address recommendations resulting from the report.”

The Chairperson of Ardross Parent Council, Gerrard Dolan, said: “The report clearly underlines the hard work, dedication and commitment of the staff. It was certainly pleasing to see that the school’s strengths greatly outweigh its weaknesses: what was also reassuring was that the school’s pastoral care system was identified as being very good and that pupils felt safe and cared for.  Of special note was that pupils’ learning was identified as good overall and that attainment in English was good and very good in Mathematics.  This will be extremely pleasing to both staff and parents."

2 Oct 2007