HMIe Report on Rosebank Primary School and Nursery, Nairn

In an HMIe report on Rosebank Primary School and Nursery, Nairn Area, HM Inspectors identified the following key strengths:

• In the nursery, the high quality learning experiences provided by staff, and the children’s excellent progress in communication and language.

• At P1 to P7, well-motivated and cooperative pupils.

• The help provided to pupils by support for learning staff and the children’s services worker.

• The level of attention given to the care and welfare of pupils.

• The very effective inclusion of pupils from the communication centre and from cultural and ethnic groups in mainstream classes and the life of the school.

In their report the Inspectors judged that most aspects of the work of the school represented good practice. No aspects of the work of the school were found to be weak or unsatisfactory. They recognised the good performance in English language and mathematics and the good quality of teaching.

The Inspectors also made a number of recommendations for the school and education authority. They were asked to taken action to improve aspects of the curriculum, leadership, staff relationships, teamwork and accommodation.
In particular, the school was asked to ensure that pupils developed their learning more progressively in the expressive arts and technology. It was also asked to provide consistently high quality in learning and teaching to ensure that more pupils attained their potential across the curriculum as a whole.  Working relationships, teamwork and leadership at all levels will also be a focus for improvement for the school.

Commenting on the report James Brander, Head Teacher said: "I am very pleased with the report as I feel that it reflects the good work we do at Rosebank Primary. I was particularly pleased to see that our commitment to inclusion and the support children receive have been recognised as key strengths of the school. We have already begun to address the issues raised in the report with the support of everyone connected with the school."

The chairperson of the Parent Council, Stewart Morris, also commented: “I am also pleased with the report received by Rosebank.  I was pleased to read that the pupils were seen as “well motivated and co-operative”.  This reflects well on the support and direction given by parents.  I note the points raised for improvement and I am confident that they will be addressed in the near future.  I am especially pleased that the main thrust of this report recognised that Rosebank Primary School provides a good standard of education for pupils, and a very good standard of pastoral care.  Overall I think that all concerned with the school should be happy with this report.”

2 Oct 2007