Highland Archaeology event provides grave clues

Highland Council Archaeology Unit is hosting a family event entitled ‘Graveyard Clues’ at the Old High Church burial ground in Inverness.

The event forms part of Highland Archaeology Fortnight 2007 which started at the end of September.

The event will allow children to investigate the long history of this churchyard and to discover for themselves some of the stories the stones can tell us about the earlier people of Inverness.

The stones can tell how people lived as well as how they died and they provide a fascinating insight into the changing fortunes of Inverness since medieval times.

The events are held in association with Rowan Tree Consulting.  This is a family event and all children must be accompanied by an adult. 

The events take place at the Old High Church, Church Street, Inverness at the following times:

• Monday 8th October, 10.30am to 12 noon
• Thursday 11th October, 10.30am to 12 noon

For further information please contact: Kirsty Cameron -  Archaeologist, The Highland Council, Planning & Development Service 01463 702504 tel  01463 702298.


3 Oct 2007