Portree Link Road update

At the Skye and Raasay Area Committee (Monday 17 February 2025), Members received an update report on the Portree Link Road as the programme advances towards the procurement phase.

The earliest anticipated start date for construction, subject to contract award is June 2025 with a 25-week construction programme. This programme is dependent on contract procurement processes and successful appointment of a principal contractor for the works.

Skye and Raasay Area Committee Chair, Cllr John Finlayson said: “The Portree Link Road design work and tender documentation preparation is progressing to schedule and now ready to be finalised and advanced to the tender stage of the project with a goal for construction work to begin around June 2025.

“This eagerly awaited project is a central project in terms of both the development of Portree and the wider Skye area, and opens so many other possibilities relating to housing, co-location of blue light services and other amenities that are needed by the community.

“It is really important that momentum is kept up and I am expecting that regular updates will be brought to Committee and to Members at Area Business Meetings to keep both the Committee and the public up to date with the next stages of the project.”

The contract will be procured through Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) using the restricted procedure for projects under £2m. A select list of interested contractors is in preparation and the electronic tender documents will be posted onto PCS following internal review and verification of the completed tender package. The tender return is programmed for late-April for an anticipated contract award in May 2025.

The link road update can be found here (Item 11)

18 Feb 2025