Prize For Ardersier Pupil

Charlie Salvage, aged 9 from Ardersier received a surprise visit to her school before the end of term from a larger than life animal character.
The Highland Council’s recycling mascot, Compost the Cow and the Chairman of TEC Services, Councillor John Laing visited Ardersier Primary School to present Charlie with a rucksack made of recycled material and an organic T-shirt.  The Council’s recycling team then stayed on to give a special assembly on waste minimisation and recycling to over 100 P1 to P7 pupils.

Earlier in the year Charlie, who is in P5, had entered a wordsearch competition in an edition of The Highland Council’s Kerb Recycling Newsletter.

Before helping Compost the Cow present the prize, Councillor John Laing congratulated Charlie.  He said:  “It is very encouraging to see young people take an interest in their environment. Our Waste Management Team are currently co-ordinating a kerbside recycling monitoring and door to door canvassing campaign to increase the amount of recycling being carried out across the Highlands.  This will help us to meet one of our key aims of increasing the amount of waste recycled in the Highlands to 40% by 2010.  

“Kerbside collections offer an easy and convenient way of recycling paper, cans and garden waste from your doorstep which means cutting down the amount of waste which ends up going into landfill sites.”

Full details of how to recycle household waste is available from the Council’s website or by telephoning the Waste Management Team on 01349  868439.


8 Oct 2007