Highland Council agrees a budget for investment and growth

The Highland Council has agreed a budget which will see over £4.5 million of revenue investments for 2025 – 2026, over £17 million additional reserves investment for major developments and the creation of over 100 jobs across the Highlands.

Members agreed a 7% increase in Council Tax, one of the lowest increases in Scotland, with 2% of this allocated to create capital investment fund for schools and roads as part of the Highland Investment Plan.

A package of an additional £14 million savings, efficiencies and income generation was agreed, without the need for use of Reserves to balance the budget. This will add to existing saving plans, resulting in a total of £36.7m to be delivered over 3 years.  These new savings are described under the themes of improvements to our operating model, efficiencies and mechanisms to generate additional income for the council.

Leader of the Council Raymond Bremner said: “I am delighted that Members have today supported the creation of a Poverty and Equality Commission for the Highland area, underpinned by £870k, to focus on tackling poverty and inequality across Highland communities. This in addition to our planned investment programme will help to sustain our Highland communities, with affordable homes, better access to renewable energy, job opportunities and economic prosperity.”

Convener of the Council Bill Lobban said: “Long term financial planning has enabled us to be in the position today of being able to invest rather than cut. Our savings and income generation plans will mean we can focus a large proportion of our Reserves on investing in huge projects such as an £8m energy investment fund and a £6m transport expansion fund, which will benefit Highland people for many years to come.”

The full budget report can be found on the Council’s website.

6 Mar 2025