Alness Schools Finalists Visit Local Business

Aquascot staff have been working with three Alness primary schools - Coulhill, Obsdale and Bridgend - running fun afternoon workshops for pupils to think about their company values of commitment, effective teamwork, respect and trust.

Aquascot invited the pupils to take part in a competition to design a poster showing one of their values to be used around the factory and on their website.

150 posters were submitted to the company and from that the entire factory staff voted for their favourite poster. These were then whittled down to 16 finalists.

Last week the finalists visited the factory to taste some lovely salmon and trout, see round the building and to collect their prizes.

Some of the children said the best bit was getting dressed up in protective clothing some just said they liked all of it.

The factory personnel commented on how well behaved all the children were and what a pleasure it had been working with them at the school workshops.

Janet Lewis Highland Council Enterprise in Education Officer attended one of the visits and was delighted with the excellent experience the factory workers had given the pupils.

The finalists were;
Leanne Ross, Carrie Lowrie, Manthy Hills from Coulhill, Sophie McChriste, Maureen Brown and Struan Brown from Obsdale and Jordan Grant from Bridgend.
The Runners up were;
Shona Duncan, Caitlin Urquhart and Nadine Taylor from Coulhill, Rachel MacRae from Bridgend.
The Winners were; Lois Burgess and Shaun Hogg from Coulhill, Mathew Prescott and Grant Rilley from Bridgend.

8 Oct 2007