HMIe Report on Daviot Primary School

In an HMIe report on Daviot Primary School, Inverness, the school was commended for its progress in learning made by pupils from P1 – 3, the close and supportive staff team and the generous assistance given to supporting the work of the school by the School Board and The Friends of Daviot.

The Inspectors judged that almost all aspects of the work of the 20-pupil school represented good practice. They recognised that the quality of pupils’ learning was good and that they were achieving well in a broad range of areas. The quality of attainment in both English Language and Mathematics was good. Pupils at the early stages, in particular, were making very good progress with their learning.

The Inspectors also made a limited number of recommendations for the school which included raising attainment in English language and mathematics, increasing the pace and challenge for pupils, and developing the school’s procedures for self-evaluation, improving learning and teaching and planning a long term strategy for improvement.

The school accommodation and facilities were judged to be fair and the Inspectorate indicated that improving the quality of accommodation and the overall environment for learning should also be a main point or action.

The report also commented that the recently-appointed head teacher, Rachel Mohin, had made a good start to identifying and taking action about the areas in need of immediate improvement. She had won the confidence of parents and staff and was establishing good links with the local community.

Commenting on the report, the Head Teacher, said, "We have already begun to address the issues raised in the report with the continuing support of everyone connected with the school."

The Chairperson of the School Board, Val Ross, commented: "The Board of Daviot Primary School welcome the recent inspection. We agree with the strengths that were highlighted and acknowledge the areas that require further development. We look forward to supporting the teaching staff in implementing the new action plan."

9 May 2006