Launch of the ‘City of Inverness Greenspace Strategy’

A greenspace strategy, which sets out a long term vision for protecting and enhancing greenspace within the city, will be officially launched on October 18th by the greeninverness partnership.

The City of Inverness Greenspace Strategy sets out the importance of greenspace in Inverness and the positive impacts it can have on health, economy, environment, education and tourism.

The Strategy reflects the aspirations of local communities and follows consultations held in October 2006 as well as the results of the Greenspace Audit 2005.

The Strategy includes an Action Plan which will see projects delivered on the ground over the next two years. The Strategy will have a positive impact on public and voluntary organisations as well as local communities.

Chair of the greeninverness partnership Ben Leyshon SNH Area Officer for Inverness said: “SNH is delighted to be part of this important initiative.  Greenspace can make a real difference to the quality of life for people living in urban areas and they help to keep the connection alive between people and their natural environment.  Greenspaces also provide a home for wildlife right into the heart of settlements and this is good for biodiversity and links the city with its rural surroundings”.

Vice Chair of the greeninverness partnership Provost Bob Wynd, said: “This Greenspace Strategy is necessary for a growing city such as Inverness, we need to ensure leisure and cultural amenity for the citizens of Inverness as these are essential to a sustainable community and to ensure that we may continue to enjoy an enduring quality of life”.

Debbie Maguire, greeninverness partnership officer, said: “I am delighted to see the strategy and action plan launched and I am very excited about making it a reality.  It has taken a great amount of work to pull together this strategy and I am confident we will be able to lever in suitable funding and resources to deliver the action plan and see real benefits for the people of Inverness on the ground.”

11 Oct 2007