Drivers Urged To Slow Down At Rural Schools

20mph part-time speed limits will start operating at two rural schools in Sutherland and Ross and Cromarty after the October holidays in a bid to improve the safety of pupils travelling to and from their schools.

From Monday 22 October drivers travelling near to Strathconon Primary School should be aware that the 20mph part time speed limit applies on school days at the following times:,

At Scourie Primary School in Sutherland the part-time operational times for the lights at the school will be 8.45-9.00am and 14.35-15.05pm Monday through to Friday on all school days.

Funding for both schemes has come from a grant from the Scottish Parliament. These schools are part of an ongoing programme which aims to see all schools in the Highlands with 20mph speed limits.
The Highland Council aims to get the message across to all drivers that slowing down near schools saves lives and that reducing the speed limit to 20 mph outside schools significantly improves the safety of children walking or cycling to school.

Chairman of The Highland Council’s TEC Services, Councillor John Laing said: “Schools on rural roads have a much higher risk of traffic speeding past their gates. Speeding at anytime is dangerous, especially on roads outside schools where children are travelling to and from the classroom. With research showing that 20 mph speed limits are effective in reducing the number of accidents and severity of casualties on our roads, it is clear to see why all drivers including parents must abide by them and give consideration to pupils.”

National statistics show that injury accidents have fallen by 60%, child pedestrian accidents by 70% and child cyclist accidents by 48% where these 20mph designated measures are put in place.

15 Oct 2007