Lord Sebastian Coe's Visit To The Craig MacLean Centre

 Lord Sebastian Coe, Chairman of the UK Olympic Committee  Lord Coe  Visit To The Craig MacLean Centre  Lord Sebastian Coe's Visit
 Lord Sebastian Coe playing football with some youths  Lord Sebastian Coe playing football with youths  Lord Sebastian Coe with youths duing his visit  Lord Sebastian Coe with Vice Convener Sandy Park and Chief Executive Alistair Dodds
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Lord Sebastian Coe, Chairman of the UK Olympic Committee visited the Craig MacLean Leisure Centre in Grantown-on-Spey today (Tuesday 16 October).

Convener of The Highland Council, Sandy Park and Craig MacLean’s father Jack greeted him outside before a local piper lead guests into the Leisure Centre which was officially opened by Olympian medalist and Commonwealth Cycling Champion Craig MacLean at the beginning of August.

Once inside, Chair of the Management Committee, Ian Findlay, Facility Manager Donna Reilly and Active Schools Manager Alan Clark showed Lord Coe around the building, introducing him the the local management committee who had fund raised for over 20years for the Leisure Centre.  He then went on to met coaches, development officers and groups of young people participating in sport.

In the main hall young local children were participating in gymnastics and athletics coaching sessions whilst in the pool were young swimmers and kayak pupils.  In the fitness suite were a group of teenage girls who use the equipment for developing their fitness.

Outside he watched coaching sessions in Golf, Rugby and Football before chatting to the young people and their coaches.

Before leaving he was presented with a Highland Council Active Schools sports top embroidered with his name.

The £2.4million leisure centre includes a 4-court sports hall for a variety of indoor sports including basketball, netball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, archery, trampolining, football, hockey, athletics, and gymnastics. There is also a new gym, sports changing rooms, a fitness suite with cardio-vascular and resistance training equipment, a reception area and a 20m swimming pool.

16 Oct 2007