Young Peoples Artwork from The Big Draw Project Goes On Display

As part of a national campaign to promote drawing, schools from across the Highlands were sent blank postcards from their local museums and asked to draw something that represented their world and their work has gone on display in a new exhibition.

Inverness Museum and Art Gallery in partnership with the Highland Council, the Highland Folk Museum, the Highland Museum of Childhood, Timespan, Strathnaver Museum, The Grantown Museum, the Nairn Museum and the Beauly Firth and Glens Trust all got involved in the project.

Each Museum sent postcards to schools in their area and pupils used pen, ink, crayons and paper to create their drawings which are now on display in the community gallery at the Inverness Museum and Art Gallery until Friday 2 November.

Katey Boal, Learning and Access officer at Inverness Museum and Art Gallery said: “The Big Draw is a National campaign to promote drawing which takes place each year in October.  We were delighted Highland Museums along with hundreds of other museums and heritage sites across the country took part.  It gave the young people an opportunity to be creative by drawing something that they felt represented an important part of their lives.  It is fascinating to see the work in the exhibition and I would like to thank the young artists and the Highland museums for getting involved.”

Inverness Museum and Art Gallery is open Monday to Saturday and admission is free.



17 Oct 2007