Glowing Report For Dochgarroch Primary School

Dochgarroch Primary School, by Inverness, has been given an outstanding report following a recent HMIe inspection.

A range of strengths were identified.  The primary school was commended for:

 Teachers’ high expectations of pupils’ achievement and behaviour
 The contribution parents made to the school and to their children’s learning
 Teaching and learning experiences provided to meet the needs of all pupils
 Pupils’ attainment in English language and mathematics
 The rigorous processes for evaluating the work of the school
 The leadership of the head teacher and the strong sense of teamwork amongst staff.

The Inspectors judged that all aspects of the work of the school represented very good or good practice. They recognised the high performance, the strong record of improvement and the very effective leadership of the school.

The Inspectors had only one recommendation for the school which has recently adopted a new approach to delivering the curriculum in a planned way over three sessions.  It is recommended that the school monitors the new timetables to ensure breadth and balance of the curriculum.

The school accommodation and facilities were judged to be fair and the Inspectorate have recommended that the education authority review and improve aspects of accommodation.

Commenting on the report Trish Hossack, Headteacher said, "I am very pleased with the report and I feel it reflects the positive ethos of the school, the opportunities we provide for all children to achieve, positive teamwork and partnership with the parents and community and our commitment to improving the school. Our thanks go to the children, parents and the wider community for their support during the inspection. My personal thanks go to a very committed team who work together to make the best provision for the children in Dochgarroch Primary."

"We have already begun to address the issues raised in the report with the continuing support of everyone connected with the school."

Highland Councillor for the Dochgarroch area, Ron Lyon, said: "It’s an outstanding report for an exceptional school."

The chairperson of the School Board, Mrs Sheona Milton, said: "I am delighted with the report and feel it is an accurate reflection of the School. Everyone involved with Dochgarroch Primary School can feel justifiably proud of this excellent report".


8 May 2006