New Dining Room For Drummond Pupils

The Highland Council’s Director of Education, Culture and Sport, Bruce Robertson was invited to officially open the new-look dining room at Drummond School in Inverness today (Monday 20 June).

With help from pupils on the School Council, what was once a drab area has been completely redecorated into a bright “funky” dining area, with new tables and chairs to complement the colourful décor.

Head teacher, Richard McKendrick said:  “The pupils have been involved with this project from the start.  It was their idea to have properly printed menus, a choice of healthy nibbles at mealtimes and proper place settings to sit to eat. They chose the colours for the walls and chose the new tables and chairs”

Bruce Robertson congratulated pupils on their involvement.  He said: “What I remember as a rather dull and gloomy dining area, has been given a totally new look and feel thanks to the creative input from the pupils.  Everyone will benefit and enjoy spending their mealtimes in a pleasant environment.”

9 May 2006