HMIe Report on Mallaig High School

In an HMIe report on the 135-pupil Mallaig High School, a range of strengths were identified. The school was commended for:

In their report, the Inspectors judged that many aspects of the work of the school represented good practice. They recognised the good quality of attainment at Standard Grade and the good quality of teaching. They also identified a clear focus on meeting pupils’ needs by providing good quality learning experiences and they commented favourable on the climate and relationships within the school.

The Inspectors made a number of recommendations for the school which included ensuring improved attainment at S1 and S5/6. The school was also asked to provide planned opportunities for pupils to exercise responsibility and to ensure the school’s approaches to self-evaluation impact further on pupils’ learning.

The school accommodation and facilities were judged to be very good.
Mr Martin Sullivan, Head Teacher said: "It is very encouraging that the school’s major initiatives over the last couple of years have been endorsed by HMIe. The report highlights the implementation of Standard Grade courses in S2/S3 as a ‘key strength’ and since the inspectors’ visit another set of good Standard Grade results for S3 pupils and Higher results for S4 have confirmed the success of the initiative.

HMIe also mention Mallaig’s piloting of an Outdoor Education course which has been successful enough to warrant a roll out to other schools in Lochaber.

“I am pleased that the HMIe recognised the good teaching in the school and the application, cooperation and good behaviour of the pupils. Our thanks go to the children, parents and the wider community for their support during the inspection.”

“The constructive criticism that is offered gives us a clear programme for improvement. Some of the points have already been acted upon, but the main challenges for the next two years are to achieve excellent teaching and learning in all classrooms in the school and to give the pupils an increased responsibility both in their own learning and in decisions that affect the running of the school. We have planned the way ahead and expect to achieve real improvements, since there is a good morale among both staff and pupils and a willingness to rise to the high standards that are set in the HMIe recommendations.”

Councillor Bren Gormley, Vice-Chairman of the Council’s Education Culture and Sport Committee, welcomed the report.

He said: “The HMIe report is most encouraging as is the commitment of the head teacher and his staff to achieve further improvements in teaching and learning at the school.”



4 Sep 2007