Council appoints new West Ross Ranger.

Lindsey Duncan is The Highland Council’s new West Ross Ranger based in Ullapool Service Point.

For the past six months Lindsey has been working with as a Council Ranger based in Caithness and she is now very happy to be living and working in West Ross getting to know the local people, flora and fauna.

Lindsey’s main passion in life is the outdoors.  Having grown up just outside Inverness and then completing a degree in Zoology at Glasgow University, her love of natural history has grown.  During University she was an active member of the exploration society which took her to Trinidad and Tobago in the West Indies on three long scientific and conservation-based expeditions. Studies ranged from behaviour in fiddler crabs to tree frog adhesion and nesting success of the giant leatherback turtles.

After Graduation, Lindsey set off on a trip to the Southern Hemisphere where she spent two years back-packing around Australia and New Zealand.  She has worked for Scottish Natural Heritage on the Uist Wader project which then led on to working with the Rangers in Inverness.  She then spent 2 years at working as a Ranger at Aigas Field Centre.

During winter 2005, Lindsey travelled to the South Atlantic to work as a Conservation Warden on Sea Lion Island in the Falkland Islands.  This was, she said:  “…an experience never to be forgotten. Living alongside massive colonies of 3 species of Penguin, Southern Sea Lions and Southern Elephant Seals was mind blowing.” 

Lindsey said: “Wester Ross really is stunning and I still can’t believe I am finally living and working in my favourite place in the world!”

The Highland Council Countryside Rangers are a partnership between The Highland Council and Scottish Natural Heritage with the aim of promoting public enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside and conserving wildlife.

There are 31 Rangers throughout the Highlands. This is a free council service available to schools or community groups and Rangers can lead indoor or outdoor sessions at any time of year.  A wide range of topics are offered that can be tied in to the school curriculum or can be just for fun.

Lindsey is urging locals to get in touch if they would like to arrange a trip tailored to their needs, that should be fun and stimulating for all groups. Details of Lindsey’s events and guided walks will be posted in the local press. Contact Lindsey on: 01854 613 904 or e-mail

6 Sep 2007