Council to Review Waterfront Go Ahead

The Highland Council has unanimously agreed to review a decision taken in March of this year to select Fort William Waterfront Ltd as the preferred bidder for the Fort William Waterfront Development.

The review will take place at the Council’s next meeting on Thursday 25 October. There will be no further discussions between the Council and the developer until after this review.

A full report will be presented to the Council on 25 October including:-

• the history of the development
• the information which led to the previous decision;
• information on how a quality development will be ensured, including a design statement;
• confirmation that the delivery of the project, including details on phasing,  can be secured through a high quality legal agreement;
• the consequences for development in Fort William in the future;
• the financial implications

Councillors will also be advised of any financial consequences of not proceeding with the preferred bidder and how the local community could be involved in taking forward the project.

The call for the matter to be reviewed was led by Lochaber councillors Bill Clark, Donald Cameron, Eddie Hunter and Allan Henderson.

6 Sep 2007