Council Welcomes Euro Backing For West Ross Road Improvements

The Highland Council has welcomed the award of £1 million of Euro funding towards the third and final phase of the upgrading of the A832 between Achnasheen and Kinlochewe.

The Council hopes the funding will enable work on the £4 million third phase – between the Glen Docherty Viewpoint and Kinlochewe – to start as soon as the second phase between Lubmore and Glen Docherty is completed.

Euro funding was also attracted for the 5.8 Km first phase from Achnasheen to Lubmore and the 4.2 Km second phase, which is nearing completion.

Councillor Ewen Mackinnon, Lochcarron, who is the Council’s transport spokesman, said: "The Council is committed to improving premium routes between rural communities which are of both economic and social importance to the areas in which they are located. We are delighted to have attracted funding from Europe to make this stretch of the road safer and to reduce travel times."

The new two-lane 6m wide carriageway replaces a single lane 3m wide road with passing places.

The alignment was designed by the Council’s Project Design Team in Brora in close consultation with Scottish Natural Heritage, the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and environmental consultants, Horner and Maclennan.


8 May 2006