Lochaber pupils visit battlefield archaeology investigations.

Around 150 Lochaber pupils will be visiting the sites of the Fort William and Inverlochy Archaeological Project over the next week to learn about their local history.

Members of the public are also being invited to attend an ‘open day’ to view the work in progress on Saturday 15th September at the Parade in Fort William.

The Fort William and Inverlochy Archaeological Project is being undertaken by an expert team of field archaeologists under the direction of Dr Tony Pollard, Director of the internationally renowned Centre for Battlefield Archaeology at the University of Glasgow, Dr Iain Banks, Director of GUARD - Glasgow University Archaeological Research Division, and Dorothy Maxwell, Highland Council’s Project Asset & Archaeology Manager with the Council’s Planning and Development Service.

Pupils from Upper Achintore, Inverlochy and St Mary’s Primaries and Lochaber and Ardnamurchan High Schools will meet archaeologists and volunteers during a programme of visits to the dig at the Parade, the Old Fort and part of the Inverlochy battle site.

Local Councillor Dr Michael Foxley who organised the school trips and over the past two years brought this project to fruition with Tony Pollard, Council Ward Manager Dot Ferguson and Dorothy Maxwell said: “It is vital that we get our young people enthused and interested in their local history and culture from an early age so that they can realise and understand what has formed the culture of the area that they live.

”The schools participation in the Fort William and Inverlochy Archaeological Project is an important part of the community involvement in the whole project. The children will be able to participate in a number of activities, games and role play designed at engaging them and  encouraging their interest in local history and archaeology; as well as introducing them to basic archaeological methodology and interpretation.”

The Fort William and Inverlochy Archaeological Project is being funded by The Highland Council’s Planning and Development Service, the Council’s Lochaber Ward discretionary budget; Highland 2007 and the Heritage Lottery Fund. On completion of the project interpretation leaflets summarising the findings of the survey will be published through Heritage Lottery Funding.


11 Sep 2007