Beauly Florist Wins Highland Business Awards

Issued in partnership with The Prince’s Scottish Youth Business Trust

A Beauly based young entrepreneur has today (Tuesday 11 September) walked away with a top business award and a cash boost of £600.

Angela Stewart, founder of Angela Stewart Flowers, has beaten the business talents of Highland’s best young start-ups, to win the 2007 regional final of the Prince’s Scottish Youth Business Trust (PSYBT) and The Royal Bank of Scotland Business Awards.

Angela, 27, started her business in October 2005 providing a floral design and planning service for themed parties, weddings and corporate entertainment.  Originally operating from her home, she now has expanded to retail and office premises at Wester Balblair and a workshop in Beauly.  She has taken on two staff to assist her in producing floral displays for customers at prestigious venues across the Highlands including Coul House Hotel and Alladale Lodge.

The ceremony, which took place at Inverness Sports Centre during the Highland Spotlight business exhibition, was attended and supported by The Royal Bank of Scotland’s Business Banking Manager, Alan Maddock who presented Angela with a cheque for £600. She will now be considered by the judging panel to go forward for the national final in Glasgow on the 19 November 2007.  Six of the 18 regional winners will be selected to compete for the coveted national title of PSYBT and Royal Bank of Scotland “Young Entrepreneur of the Year” and the opportunity to win £1,500.

The runners up are Gordon and Leanne Whiteford, founders of Highland Eggs.  Gordon, 26, and Leanne, 27, set up their business in September 2005, raising hens to produce organic eggs.  Currently they have 3000 hens based at their purpose-built facility in Ardersier.  The company predominately supplies the wholesale trade under their own logo and the the Tesco and Asda labels.  A recent PSYBT Growth Fund Award enabled them to start producing their own feed and the couple are now looking to expand with a further 6000 birds.  The runner-up prize of £300 is sponsored by The Highland Council.

Chairman of The Highland Council’s Planning, Environment and Development Committee, Councillor Drew Hendry was at the award ceremny.  He said:  “The Council is delighted to be associated with these awards which are a marvellous example of people working together to promote business in the Highlands.  I would like to congratulate the finalists and wish their businesses every success.  The Council looks forward to encouraging new talent and watching young business entreprenuers emerging.”

Speaking after the awards were presented, PSYBT Regional Manager, David Knight said:  “To recognise and celebrate the success of young entrepreneurs who are creating wealth , and who are making a positive contribution to their local community with this business award, is a privilige for all of us involved and a great inspiration to others.  We wish Angela well in the finals.”

11 Sep 2007