Highland Council Seek to Assist Local Food Supply

Senior members of The Highland Council yesterday (Tuesday 11 September) met with representatives of the Highlands Local Food Network and the Crofter’s Commission to try to find ways to improve the Highland Council’s use of locally sourced produce.

Vice Convener, Councillor Jean Urquart said: “Our Programme for Administration states our commitment to using local produce and we have held initial discussions with Highland suppliers to seek to meet that aim and to understand better some of the barriers and problems that might hinder progress.”

The meeting was held to listen to local suppliers and for the Council to be aware of some of the difficulties.  Issues discussed ranged from current EU and National legislation and how that is interpreted, distribution, all-year-round supply, food miles, organic produce,  environmental and economic impact, marketing and educational projects. 

The Council is obligated under strict rules imposed by legislation to conform to procurement standards however avenues of cooperation within those rules are to be fully fleshed out.

Chairman of Planning, Environment and Development, Councillor Drew Hendry said: “There are a lot of obstacles to overcome, not least how to encourage increased supply within the legal framework, but we were all impressed by the open and cooperative nature of the discussions. We have a long run in to the next round of contracts and we are very keen to make sure that the opportunities on both sides are fully explored.”

Councillor Isobel MacCallum who was also at the meeting said:  “Highland Council is very keen to support local producers and will support HIFN to come forward with a bid that can guarantee continuity of supply and deliver throughout the area for the next round in 2010.”

The group acknowledged the need for continuing dialog and have agreed to meet again in the New Year.


At the meeting:
Cllr. Jean Urquhart
Cllr. Isobel MacCallum
Cllr. Drew Hendry
Jo Hunt, Highlands & Islands Local Food Network
Drew Ratter, Crofters Comm & Highlands & Islands Local Food Network
Eileen Clark, Connage Cheese
Patrick Krause, Chief Executive of Scottish Crofting Foundation

12 Sep 2007