Transport is the Focus of Ward Forum

The need for better public transport links within Badenoch and Strathspey will be the focus of discussion at the next meeting of The Highland Council’s Badenoch and Strathspey Ward Forum, being held at Boat of Garten Community Hall on Thursday 10 April, starting at 7 pm.
Present to listen and take part in the discussion will be the Convener of The Highland Council, Councillor Sandy Park, Vice-Convener, Councillor Jean Urquhart, and Chief Executive, Alistair Dodd’s.  They are spending the afternoon and evening with the four Ward Members for Badenoch and Strathspey, namely Councillors Stuart Black, Jaci Douglas, David Fallows and Gregor Rimell. This is the fifth in a series of ward visits they are making throughout the Highlands.
Councillor Park said: “We are looking forward to our visit to Badenoch and Strathspey to meet with the local councillors and hear what the local issues and priorities for action are.”
A number of transport providers as well as members of Badenoch and Strathspey Youth Forum will be present to take part in the discussion. A major issue for young people is the lack of public transport to travel from community to community to visit friends.
Youth Forum member, Sarah Quirie, said: "Living in a rural area there are all sorts of transport issues that young people face daily, buses not going on the required routes – perhaps to more rural locations, buses stopping too early in the evening, a lack of information on the services, an online and up to date bus service info which can be accessed on mobile phones could be a real benefit. Taxi costs are also very high meaning for most people they’re not even an option."
Councillor Stuart Black, who will be chairing the meeting said: “It’s an honour and a good opportunity to have the Convener, Vice Convener and Chief Executive visiting the area, and we look forward to receiving their support on local priorities. We hope there will be projects that can be taken forward as an outcome of the ward forum meeting."

1 Apr 2008