Community Select Sculpture

The results of a vote to decide which sculpture should be the centre piece to the environmental improvements at the area outside the Hilton Community Centre at Hilton Village have now been counted.

Residents were offered the choice of three different stainless steel sculptures, one of which will be installed in the summer. The winning design, by artist Allison Weightman, is of one large rectangular stainless steel feature which has a glass mosaic going through it from top to bottom.

Allison is now inviting all local residents to a free workshop on 3rd May 2008 in the Mall area of the Hilton Village to make small ceramic tiles that will be installed as the surround for the sculpture.

Jean Slater, Chair of the Hilton, Milton and Castle Heather Community Council said: “We are delighted with the response we received and would like to thank all the local people who contributed for letting us know their preferred option.  We are really excited about seeing the final sculpture being installed and hope that all local people will enjoy the regenerated space outside the well used Community Centre.”

The £35,000 project is being funded by a variety of partners including Hilton, Milton and Castle Heather Community Council, Communities Scotland, The Scottish Government Anti Social Behaviour Fund, Inverness City Partnership and The Highland Council; Ward Discretionary Budget, Common Good Fund and Education Culture and Sport Service.

The votes received were; option one 34, option two 6, option three 16 and three votes were not valid, therefore a total of 59 votes were received over the two week consultation period.

2 Apr 2008