A82 Epetition closes with 8,555 signatures

The A82 Epetition closed on Saturday with 8,555 supporters having signed up to demand an upgrading of the most dangerous road in Scotland. The epetition had run for less than one month. The figure of 8,555 is more than double the previous most successful epetition which took 5 months to reach a figure of 4,187 signatures.

Highland Councillor Brian Murphy, chair of the A82 Partnership said: “Once again the people of the West Highlands and Islands have shown that when we work together towards a common goal we are a formidable force to contend with. I believe the overwhelming support for the epetition demonstrates the extent of the simmering anger and resentment which is felt throughout the region about the A82. We have been silent for far too long, but that silence is now in the past. We are determined that the fight will continue until we have a road which is fit for purpose. The A82 Campaign has only just begun.”

Following the success of the A82 campaign epetition, the A82 Partnership are now urging supporters to write to or to email their MSPs. The www.a82.org website now gives full information on mailing and emailing addresses of MSPs together with suggestions of the points which supporters may wish to raise.

The Transport Minister, Stewart Stevenson MSP, has agreed to meet with representatives from the A82 Partnership in Fort William on Friday 2 May. Campaigners hope that Mr Stevenson will arrive in Fort William having travelled on the A82 from Glasgow.

9 Apr 2008