Glen Urquhart High School – Staff and pupil efforts praised

Inspectors report that the key strengths of the school were the relationships between pupils and staff,  the very positive, caring and inclusive ethos of the school, partnerships with parents and the wider community to enrich pupils experiences, pupils’ achievements and their enthusiastic engagement in the life and work of the school and levels of attainment.
Meeting pupil needs, personal and social development, pastoral care, accommodation and facilities, climate and relationships, expectations and promoting achievement, equality and fairness and the leadership of the head teacher were all seen as “very good”.

Mr MacLean, Head Teacher is pleased with the report.  He said: “The report quite rightly recognises and reflects the considerable efforts and talents of both teaching and non-teaching staff working together effectively with pupils, parents and the local community to provide wide ranging, quality experiences for our pupils. I am also delighted that the majority of pupils are commended for their attainment, relationships and effort in and out of class.  Glen Urquhart High School will continue to strive to improve all aspects of our work using this report as an additional framework for future development.”

The school and the local authority will now prepare an action plan to improve provision even further and share progress with parents within two years.

The 236 pupil school opened in August 2002 after a 25 year campaign by the local community.

9 Apr 2008