Survey Seeks Views on Political Arrangements at The Highland Council

A new working group, set up to examine political arrangements of The Highland Council, is to survey all 80 members of the Council to gauge opinion on the current political structure and, in light of the results, to examine:-

(i) the Strategic Committee Structure;

(ii) the Planning Applications and Review Committees, Licensing Committees and Licensing Boards currently set up in each of the operational areas;

(iii) the operation of the Wards and Ward Forums; and

(iv) the potential for technological solutions to secure improved access to the democratic process for elected Members and the public.

They are being asked to detail their concerns about the current set up and to suggest solutions. Members have until Friday 25 April to return their survey forms.

The working group met for the first time on Thursday 3 April and will meet regularly before reporting back with costed options to the Council either on 26 June or 4 September.

Councillor Bill Clark, Caol and Mallaig, has been elected chairman of the working group, which comprises backbench members of the Administration.

He said: “In order to satisfy ourselves that the new arrangements are working well, the time is right to undertake a review of the politically arrangements currently in place.

“At our first meeting, we discussed a range of issues and agreed to survey all councillors for their opinions on the political arrangements that have been in place since the Council elections in May of last year. We will invite individual members, including those from Opposition parties, to attend the working group meeting to highlight the improvements they think can be made.”

The minutes of the first meetings of the working group will be presented to the Council at its meeting on Thursday 8 May.



9 Apr 2008