Works in Castle Avenue, Invergordon

People in Invergordon are being advised by The Highland Council’s Planning and Development Service that works to remove around 50 tree stumps in Castle Avenue, Invergordon, will take place on the week commencing Monday 21st April.

The works follow on from tree surgery operations which were undertaken last year. Several large trees have been removed as they were identified as being dead, dying or dangerous and stump grinding will now to take place.

The works are scheduled to last a week and the public are advised that access may be restricted during this period and that the stump grinding operations may be noisy at times. The hours of work will be between 9am and 5pm.

The stump grinding operations will also include the removal of many older stumps as a means of tidying up the verges and leaving them free from obstructions for grass cutting.  A programme of replanting the same species as those removed will follow on from the works.

14 Apr 2008