Tomnacross Pupils Visit The Highland Council

P3 and P4 pupils from Tomnacross Primary School in Inverness paid a visit to The Highland Council’s headquarters building in Inverness to find out more about the working of local government.

Pupils were able to watch democracy in action as their visit, on Thursday morning, coincided with the Council’s TEC Services Committee.  Before taking their seats at the back of the debating chamber to watch the proceedings, pupils were given a brief talk about how council meetings are conducted. 

They then had the chance to meet both the Chairman and Director of TECS before being introduced to Steve McDermott from the Council’s Waste Management Team.  Steve showed the group a colourful council display promoting all forms of recycling including a wide range of items, such as pencil cases, bags and Frisbees, all made from recycled materials.

14 Apr 2008