AGM Invitation

Members of the public are invited to the Annual General Meeting of the Plantation Community Association in Fort William next Tuesday (22 April 2008).

The group hopes to attract new members of the community to come along and join with them to help improve the area.  Residents attending will also have the opportunity to meet their Community Wardens, representatives from the Police, Lochaber Housing Association and the Council over a coffee at the end of the meeting.

The Plantation Community Association was set up to work with the Council, Lochaber Housing Association and other partners to improve the living conditions, community facilities and services for tenants and residents living in the area.  Having a group helps develop a real sense of community and gives residents a say in what happens in their neighbourhood.

Carol Elliot, Highland Council’s Tenant Participation Officer, said she was happy to help residents and tenants of council housing schemes start their own group.

“Communities want to come together for a variety of reasons and I can help them do just that.  They may want to discuss Council services, tackle a community issue, raise funds to improve local facilities or even organise a community event”

“It also gives The Highland Council another means of consulting customers about what the priorities are in their area, and for example, what they think should be included in housing policies.”

The Plantation Community Association Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 22 April at 7pm in the Young Place Community Hall.  Residents of the Plantation area who are 16 and over have a vote at this meeting and are eligible to join the committee.  The group are also taking this opportunity to hold a vote to adopt a new constitution.  The proposed new constitution is available to view at the Fort William Service Point, Lochaber Housing Association Office and Library.

Anyone wishing to find out how they can get involved in a residents group in their community should contact Carol on 01349 877408.


15 Apr 2008