Job Evaluation Update

Members of The Highland Council’s Resources Committee have been brought up to date with progress on job evaluation and equal pay. A meeting of the Council’s Modernising Employment Sub-Committee will be held over the next few weeks to consider the detailed proposals of the new pay structure, conditions of service, and proposals on equal pay. A meeting will then be held with trade unions. 

Their remit has been extended to give the Chief Executive and Director of Finance authority to implement the equal pay framework and any subsequent amendments as a result of consultation with trade unions. Trade unions were given the proposal on an equal pay framework in January and the Council is awaiting a response. 

Staff will be informed of progress via a newsletter, and the Council aims to write to individual members of staff in the early summer advising them of their new grades. 

Four meetings have been held with trade unions – Unison, GMB and Unite – since November, last year, covering the proposed pay structure; conditions of service package; equal pay framework; a breakdown by employee group, gender and area of current allowances and enhancements; and a proposed transition programme to assist, where possible, employees whose contractual earnings are affected adversely by the introduction of the new pay structure.

Councillor Carolyn Wilson, Chairman of the Resources Committee, said she fully appreciated the desire of staff and trades unions to learn about the outcome of job evaluation.

She said: “This is a complex issue and requires detailed consideration. We are moving as quickly as possible and hope to be in a position to meet the trade unions early next month and at the same time keep our staff informed.”

On equal pay, the Council has already paid out £8 million, without admission of liability, in relation to equal pay claims up to October 2006 and has proposed to trade unions a framework covering the period from then until 31 March 2008.  A further £6.9 million is budgeted for to cover the implementation of job evaluation.

Councillor Wilson added: “This is a significant investment in our staff and illustrates our commitment to meet our obligations to our workforce.”

16 Apr 2008