Ton up For Health Promoting Schools In Highland

One hundred Highland schools have now been officially recognised as ‘Health Promoting’.  In a ceremony today (Friday 24 June), Kiltearn Primary School in Evanton, Easter Ross, became the 100th school to receive the award.  Headteacher, Linda McIntosh was congratulated at the ceremony by Moira Leslie, Headteacher, Raigmore Primary School, Inverness, the first Highland school to be accredited. 

Schools have had to prove their Health Promoting credentials by meeting rigorous demands under ten headings including nutrition, exercise and ethos.  Each school had to produce a portfolio of evidence and undergo a review visit by the Highland Health Promoting schools team, involving Highland Council Quality Development team and NHS Highland staff.

The Highland Council’s Director of Education, Culture & Sport, Bruce Robertson, is delighted at the landmark reached by Highland schools and communities. He said: "It is a tremendous achievement and a tribute to the vision and hard work of school staff, young people and their families.  The promotion of good health is an investment in all our futures and we are well on course to have all schools accredited by the end of 2005."

Louise Thomas, Health Promoting Schools Development Manager, said: "The standard has been very high and the ethos in Highland schools is excellent. The commitment to improving nutrition shown by The Highland Council School Catering Service, teachers, pupils and parents is outstanding and leading the way in Scotland."

Mrs Leslie said: "Being the first Primary School in Highland to achieve health promoting status was quite an honour and it was great to celebrate that milestone. But being a health promoting school is much more than just receiving an award. In Raigmore, health promotion is a way of life. Day in day out we strive to improve the health and well being of our pupils and staff. We believe that promoting positive attitudes and " walking the talk "  about health promotion will leave a lasting impression on our youngsters and lead them towards healthier lifestyles which will stay with them for the rest of their lives."

Mrs McIntosh said: "Kiltearn School is delighted at achieving health promoting status. Our success is a culmination of various projects undertaken this session. I would like to express my thanks to all pupils, parents and staff for their hard work and cooperation."

9 May 2006