Children To Lead The Way During Healthy Highland Week

To launch Healthy Highland Week (20th – 26th June), on Monday delegates will attend an event at The Highland Council Headquarters in Inverness that will showcase the many health promoting initiatives currently running throughout the Highlands. Key speakers at this event, will be pupils from primary schools in Nairn and Sutherland who will be highlighting their involvement in promoting healthier lifestyles to their school friends and families.

Pupils from Auldearn Primary School will share their experiences about healthy eating in the school, the work of their Pupil Council, school trips they have taken part in and their special friendship bench. Gledfield primary pupils will then present their own performance of a play they have written featuring "The Blobs" and "The Walkers", as well as sharing their new funky rap song.

Also on Monday, public agency staff and members of the public will be able to hear a team of experts offering advice, talks, workshops and sample treatments which can help in stress management. This will be provided by the Ming Chen Chinese Medicine Clinic practitioners.

Healthy Highland Week 2005 follows on from the success of last year’s event and is organised by the Highland Wellbeing Alliance to promote the benefits of healthy living and active lifestyles.

Over the week local groups across the Highlands will be holding special "taster" sessions and running a wide range of physical and cultural activities for people of all ages to try out.

Physical activities will include walking, dancing, and a wide range of sports with information and advice focussing on key issues such as healthy eating, sensible alcohol intake and stopping smoking. Arts, crafts, music and historical activities will also be running so participants can explore ways of balancing their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

In addition to all the activities, discounts will be available for anyone who signs up to the High Life Card scheme during the week.

Full details of all the events running during Healthy Highland Week can be found by visiting

9 May 2006