Decision deferred on site for Three Graces

The decision on a site for the Three Graces Statues (Faith, Hope and Charity) was deferred by members of The Highland Council’s Inverness City Committee yesterday (04 August 2008).

Following the Inverness City Committee in November 2007, the three statues were purchased by the Inverness Common Good Fund for £15,000 from Orkney. A specialist stone conservator was commissioned to arrange for removal, transportation, restoration and replacement to a site to be decided within Inverness.

Inverness Members and a community consultation highlighted two favoured locations for the statues’ reinstatement, with first choice location at Ness bank Church; and second choice location on the West facing Castle Embankment.

Members of the City committee requested that further information on the cost of reinstating the Three Graces at these two locations be brought back to a future City Committee for further consideration.

For further information please contact: David Haas, Inverness City Manager, The Highland Council tel: (01463) 724201

5 Aug 2008