Outstanding HMIe Report For Lochaber Primary

Inverlochy Primary School in Fort William has been given an outstanding report following a recent HMIE inspection.  The school, which has 178 primary and 26 nursery pupils, was judged as providing a very high quality of education and leadership.  Key strengths were identified as:

 Very well behaved, enthusiastic and courteous pupils
 The quality of much of the teaching and high expectations of staff
 Attainment in English Language and Mathematics
 Headteacher Leadership and management 
 The commitment and team work of all the staff
 Very supportive parents who helped  the school in a number of ways

Ainsley Burns, Head Teacher, was praised for the quality of her leadership and management.  She was described as being a very effective leader who had had a positive impact on the school.  With this very effective leadership and support from a committed and dedicated staff, the attainment of pupils had been raised significantly.

Parents and carers were very positive about the school and its good reputation in the community.   Additionally, they felt that staff were welcoming and showed concern for the care and welfare of the pupils.   Pupils felt that they were fully involved in all school activities and decisions.  Staff had high expectations of pupils’ attainment and behaviour and these expectations were met by pupils who were all very effectively included in the life of the school. Points for action relating to aspects of health and safety and maintenance are now being progressed by the Council.

The Head Teacher said: “I am delighted that the dedication and commitment of all staff has been recognised.  I am also very proud of the pupils who were great ambassadors for the school throughout the inspection process.  It is gratifying to know that the high educational standards which are provided are being recognised throughout this report.   Our thanks go to pupils, parents and the wider community for their support.  I would like to express my personal thanks to a committed team of teaching and non teaching staff.”

Brian Barbour, Chair of the School Board, said: “I am absolutely delighted about the report. The hard work by staff and pupils has paid off. Well done to Mrs Burns and all of her staff.”

Councillor Brian Murphy said: “I am delighted to see Inverlochy Primary School getting such an excellent report, but not at all surprised. Over the past five years I have seen the school going from strength to strength under the leadership of head teacher Ainsley Burns and her staff. I am especially pleased that the Inspectors have seen fit to praise the significant improvements in attainment in English and mathematics. Congratulations to all concerned.”   

As a result of this high performance, the strong record of improvement and the very effective leadership of this school HM Inspectors will make no further reports in connection with this inspection.

8 May 2006