Council Called in to Dispose of Dead Beached Whale

40 ft sperm whale beached at Alturlie Point, east of  Inverness Whale beached at Alturlie Point 40 ft sperm whale

The Highland Council is in discussion with contractors and partner agencies to discuss the most effective and appropriate way to dispose of the carcass of a 40 ft sperm whale beached at Alturlie Point, east of  Inverness.

Environmental health officers in TEC Services have responsibility for disposing of the carcass and are liaising with SEPA and the Maritime Coastguard Agency as well as a firm of specialist waste contractors to identify a solution.

A spokesman said: “Due to the size of the whale,  the fact that it is beached on soft mud, and the restricted access to the foreshore, we will require time to devise an appropriate way of disposing of the carcass. It will be tomorrow at the earliest before work can begin.”

6 Aug 2008