Highland Youth Voice To Debate Key issues

Highland Youth Voice, the elected youth parliament for the Highlands, meets this weekend (17-19 June) at Sabhal Mor Ostaig on Skye

One of the key issues they will be debating will be young people’s health. This will see young people discussing sexual health, nutrition, mental well-being and health issues specific to young men and women.

The highlight of the weekend will be the launch of a sexual health campaign using materials developed by young people.

They will also meet with Highland Councils Catering Manager to discuss provision of catering in Highland Schools.

The Youth Voice will be joined by young people from Sweden involved in the Leader Plus programme enabling them to swap ideas.

Sunny Moodie, HYV Chair said: "I am really looking forward to our second meeting of the new parliament. At which we can build on progress made by the previous youth parliament –young people in the Highlands value the opportunity to have our say about all aspects of life here.”

Youth Voice, supported by the Highland WellBeing Alliance which is a partnership of public and voluntary organisations, gives young people drawn from schools and local youth forums a chance to meet directly with decision makers who are delivering services to young people.

James Sutherland, The Highland Council’s Youth Development Officer said: "This weekend is a great opportunity for the organisations of the Highland WellBeing Alliance to meet directly with young people to listen to their views. Young people in Highland now have an expectation that they have a role to play in shaping services delivered for them and that can only be good for the community as a whole. Young people across highland can keep up with the work of Highland Youth Voice at www.highlandyouthvoice.org "





9 May 2006