National Entitlement Cards delivered in Highland secondary schools

The first issue of High Life ~ Young Scot National Entitlement Cards in thirty Highland secondary schools have been completed. New first year pupils are due to receive their cards before the end of the year.

The average uptake across Highland has been 81% - over 12,000 cards - with Mallaig High Shool succeeding in rolling the card out to every pupil in the school.

The card replaces the local High Life ~ Young Scot card that has been delivered to over 20,000 young people and offers young people between the ages of 11 to 25 a single application card that will enable them to access retail discounts; information; libraries; leisure centres; transport and in time, school meals and other entitlements, not only locally but across the whole of Scotland.

Mike Jones, Highland Council’s Senior Youth Development Officer responsible for co-ordinating the issue of young persons’ National Entitlement Cards throughout the Highlands, said: “A lot of work is going on behind the scenes so that the cards can be easily applied for and offer a wide range of services on one card.”

For 16 to 18 year olds the card can access cheaper transport on buses and trains with on third off adult single fares, plus a free young person’s railcard that gives up to one third off rail fares.

All young people, aged 11 to 25 can apply for a card. If they are in school they can access them via the annual bulk application process or out with School through local Council Service Points.

The card was the subject of discussions at the recently held Highland Youth Voice conference at Badaguish where the theme of the conference was ‘transport’ - one of the concessionary entitlements available through the card.

For more information High Life ~ Young Scot National Entitlement Cards contact Mike Jones at Highland Council’s  Education Culture and Sport Service on tel: 01463 702067.

2 Dec 2008